I have written previously about how much I love Banjo Patterson’s poem, Mulga Bill’s Bicycle. The children’s book version of the iconic Australian poem, brought endless laughter to our house for many years.
Well, as the story goes, Mulga Bill was from Eaglehawk, which is just two suburbs from my house. A few years ago, the council erected The Mulga Bill Play Space, which leads on to the Mulga Bill Trail. Beginning at the Playground, on the shores of Lake Neangar at Eaglehawk, the walk then continues across the road, and into the Greater Bendigo National Park.
I quite often drive across to Eaglehawk for this walk. The playground always makes me smile, as it depicts scenes from the poem, and it brings back many happy memories for me, of when my children were small enough that they loved me reading to them.
One of the hilarious pages from the children’s book version of the poem.
Entry to Mulga Bill Play Space
Mulga Bill Play Space
Other than the playground, there is much to love about this walk. Lake Neangar is a beautiful place to walk, with it’s walking paths, lovely gardens and birdlife.
Mulga Bill Trail
After almost a full circuit of the lake, the Mulga Bill Trail continues on the opposite side of the road, as it meanders through the Bendigo National Park. We have the most amazing national parks surrounding our city, and this one is no exception. There really is much to love about this part of the Mulga Bill Trail, as it winds it’s way up to Lightning Hill Look-out. At the top there are scenic views over the Whipstick Forest and the city.
Mulga Bill Trail and Bendigo National Park including Lightning Hill Lookout
Image: Mulgabills.co.nz
Australian Stamp Collection
Mulga Bill even appeared as one of four in a set of Australian Ballad Collectibles. “Mulga Bill’s Bicycle tells the tale of the buffoonish Mulga Bill, who prided himself on his skill in the saddle, whether a thing “clothed in hair or hide, or built of flesh or steel”. Needless to say, Mulga Bill gets his comeuppance, losing control of his mechanical steed and finding himself submerged in Dead Man’s Creek: “A horse’s back is good enough henceforth for Mulga Bill”. Australia Post Collectibles.com.au
Banjo Patterson appears on the Australian $10 Note
This post is linked to the Wednesday Words & Whimsy linkup hosted by Min from Write of the Middle. I’m more than happy to be on Min’s Team - #TeamWWWhimsy
Jennifer, What a delightful play space and wonderful trail. It's great that both are close to where you live and they bring happy memories. Thank you for your weekend coffee share. Have a wonderful week!
I remember reading Mulga Bill's Bicycle at school and I must read it to my grandsons. What a lovely space that has been created in Mulga Bill's honour. #TeamWhimsy