I hope your flare up is a temporary thing as you’ve been doing so well. I love the idea of that coffee shop - everyone needs a purpose to thrive & not only is it providing that, it’s also giving you somewhere to meet and something to read. Winning.

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My fingers are crossed for a quick recovery Jo.

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I am moving much better Lydia. Definitely try the series.

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What a great update. I buy a creamer we have in the states called Nutpods. really good and even froths nicely. I hope you're feeling better.

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I didn't realise that was a series. I thought it was just the movie they were promoting. Might check out. I'm imressed you've read 74 books already!! What a dynamo. I hope you are recovered by the time my late comment appears!! #WBOYC

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I hope your flare up is temporary and you’re feeling better. You’ve had a great month otherwise. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

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Oh Jen, I hope your knee flare up settles down quickly! I've had pain in my left leg lately and think I pushed too hard when walking in the forest as I kept twisting and sinking into holes. I'm looking a trying a knee sleeve to see if that helps the pain especially at night. Lots of good things in the month too so I hope you continue meeting up with friends and get away again!

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I saw that you were having a problem with your knee Deb. I hope it settles down quickly. The sleeve didn’t help me at all. Hopefully it works for you

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I hope you can ditch those crutches soon and it's just a temporary set back; you were doing so well! Your succulents are beautiful. Congrats on making slow and small changes to your diet and for trying new things!

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Thanks for popping in again Joanne

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I enjoyed your June and I am sorry your knee is playing up. Must be the time of year...I have heard of others similarly..But I reckon winter takes a toll on the bones as well. You are getting out and about and I love that you have a regular catch up with a friend. I am getting back to that soon too. Denyse

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I’ve been keeping to myself for a while but loving catch ups with my friend now

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I reckon human connection in person like that helps us more than we realise. It’s what I missed most when I was away from Sydney. The people I catch up with now the most are those I was in schools with and one, we had our sons inside us teaching in 1978!

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I'm so sorry to hear about your knee flare up, Jen as you were doing so well with your walking. Fingers crossed it will settle down soon. Peppergreen cafe sounds lovely and a great initiative. giving those with disabilities the opportunities to feel valued and to have a purpose. Thanks for linking up and sharing your month with us. I look forward to hearing about your blogging plan. Enjoy your weekend, Jen. x

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I have my fingers crossed Sue. Thanks for giving us this opportunity again to link up

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