Boy you had me at Bunnings... the retail store in Australia, right? (I had to look it up🤭)

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Bunnings my favourite place for plants and hardware. You can get lost for hours in there

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Oct 6Liked by Jennifer Jones

Yes I love a list too Jen and use the 'notes' on my phone to keep track of them all. I also use the reminders app. I agree the best ideas come to us when we're not thinking of them at all. Great post!

Deb #Teamwwwhimsy

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I’d say that with all that you have going on in your life Deb, you would need a list.

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Oct 2Liked by Jennifer Jones

Hi Jennifer, OMG - I am a list nut! I used to write lists but now I'm more a 'NOTES' girl in my phone. Yet dot pointed lists galore! I even share them with family at times - eg gift suggestions etc. I take great delight in ticking those dot points off as things get done too. I can't live without lists because my brain just can't hold information. I have to have it written down! Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy - hope you're having a great week! xo

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You're a girl after my own heart Min. I know that I can't keep anything in my head and need the list. I love that you share them with your family.

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I'm definitely a list girl as well, Jen although I am old school and like writing them down in my diary. Like you I divide my list into categories of my life. I enjoy the satisfaction of crossing off my list when I finish each task. I think it gives our life order and balance which is the way I like it. x

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Sue, I forgot to mention how great it feels to cross those tasks off the list. It really is satisfying. Yes, order and balance is good. Much better than the chaos that goes on in my head sometimes.

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Oct 2Liked by Jennifer Jones

I wish I could say I keep lists but don't. I do use notes on occasion when I'm without paper to remind me of something or someone! I admire you for being such a list maker!

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I think it's an addiction Lynda, and really only came about because of my dreadful memory.

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Oct 1Liked by Jennifer Jones

Hi Jennifer, You have some great lists. I use Calendar on my computer and phone daily. When I travel, I use Notes on my phone to make quick notes. I also keep a "year at a glance" spreadsheet on my computer to track my personal goals. #TeamWWWhimsy

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I love the idea of a 'year at a glance' spreadsheet Natalie. That's a great way to track your goals during the year. I love spreadsheets too, so will have to look into it.

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Oct 6Liked by Jennifer Jones

I'm back to say thank you for linking up with #Weekendcoffeeshare. If you do try a "year at a glance" spreadsheet, let me know what you think. Have a great week!

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Hah! You and me both have a Bunnings list. Husband heads off and I call out, hey, can you get these for me. Usually gardening items, potting mix, fertiliser etc. I use Google Keep, I did use notes, but found this one syncs to my tablet and computer and can pin or colour the ones i want to stand out. I am a big Google calendar user and put things in there to remind me to do them. I must start a list of blogs I want to write. I'm all over the place with that just now. Great substack today.

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My partner wouldn't dare go off to Bunnings without me and Oscar the toy poodle, Jenny. I'm usually after the same items as you. Thanks for the Google Keep tip. I will check it out. I use Google Calendar too. It works much better for me than a diary, and I love that my partner and I can include each other as guests, so we know what's going on in each other's busy days.

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Yes re Google Calendar. I added my husband to a family calendar and he's supposed to put in his appointments so we can both keep track. It doesn't always happen though.

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That’s the tricky part Jenny

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I write lists and then forget all about them. My journal is full of lists of things to cook, books to read, things to watch, places to go. As for my to-do list ... I'm back to writing that daily similar to how I did when I was in the day job.

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I bought an A4 week at a glance diary - a step down from my principal days with a day at a time - 3 years ago and I cannot live without it now either...helps to have paper stuff, calendar on the fridge and in our phones.

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I do tend to forget about them sometimes too Jo, or by the time I’ve gone back to it, it’s out of date. I’m trying to stay a bit organised in my day to day in retirement otherwise I’m finding the day just slips away.

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My lists are usually screenshots or photos or things I want to read write cook but. It’s messy because the meta algorithm hasn’t worked out my mind yet when it sorts my photos !

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I share your pain with the algorithm Robyn

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I've been using screenshots as reminders lately. When I download my photos I can use the screenshots as prompts to add items to my lists.

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Screen shots work Jill. I use them for a single item I want to remember and doesn’t fit into a list.

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I am also a list person too. I have a list of books read for the year, I have a list for shows and movies watched for the year, favorite restaurants, sheet masks along with my reviews. Somehow they're relaxing.

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I'm so glad I'm not alone in doing this! You have an impressive list of lists here though. I also use a notes app in my phone (preferably synced with my Mac) and I make lists of a bit of everything... food ideas, DIY things, tunes to learn, songs to learn, fitness ideas for when I'm away from the gym, blog post ideas, business stuff, etc etc. I've been thinking about whether it's a way to create a sense of security! I try to tidy up that notes app from time to time but it doesn't really help!

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Sounds like you are using notes almost exactly how I use them. I’d be lost without the app.

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I'm unsure why but my comment is not visible

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Don't worry. Found it. My avatar doesn't register on your blog.

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I’m not sure why your avatar wouldn’t be registering.

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Another list addict! There is something satisfying about writing a job list and then ticking off the jobs as you complete them

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That’s the attraction exactly. Also, I have a hopeless memory

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Oct 5Liked by Jennifer Jones

Yes, me too :

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There's nothing like ethe positive reinforcement one gets from crossing something off a list.

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No doubt about it, the Notes app is my friend too. I keep so many notes and on occasion I do a delete. I like that I can keep notes I need to see quickly by pinning them. I also like that if I need to notes can be locked. I did have a LOT of notes relating to changes in family stuff and more and decided it was time for a cull...and also the memories were not helpful so they either got copied into my Day One Journal )password protected) or deleted. This year I have learned the beauty of saying what I want to write in notes by pressing the microphone icon at the bottom. My notes contain results of medical visits and more and I have them catergorised too. I also use my Iphone calendar for appointments and more. Yes, I like to be organised but I also like to find where I wrote something. I USED to keep a pile of passwords on Notes and it became VERY cumbersome and I changed my system when I changed my main email

As for Christmas not much enthusiasm in our extended family due to some changes of where everyone is. I have offered to host but with a very downsized day..nothing like my extravaganzas of Grandma days 12 years ago.

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I love this Denyse. Sounds to me like Notes means as much to you as it does to me. As for Christmas, our family is very fractured and Christmas organisation is usually just for the two of us.

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Hi, Jennifer - I greatly admire List People. In my mind, I should be a list person too -- and I guess I do this in small ways but not big ways like I think I should. In retirement, I rely on my calendar on my phone/computer (a lot). I record and review all books that I read on Goodreads (mostly so that I remember that just-read feeling when I am in bookclub or writing WOYBS. I have recently used a paper list for my 30-Day Decluttering project. The ticking off of each days tasks has been very rewarding. 4 tasks left to go! <3

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I've been loving following your Decluttering project Donna. Yes, I would need a list for that. It sounds to me like you a list person, but in your own way. And that is perfect!

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